Axial Fans

Axial Fans Overview

Where the application requires large volumes of clean air at low pressures an AirEng axial fans are the cost effective choice, given their ease of installation and simplified ducting requirements.

AirEng offers a large range of axial fans including the standard Multi Pitch range of adjustable pitch units with diameters from 250mm to 5,750mm.

On request, custom manufactured fixed and adjustable pitch impellers can be provided in materials including mild steel, stainless steel, nickel alloys, duplex stainless steels, quench and temper materials, and most other specialised materials.

Standard range units come in die cast aluminium, nylon or polypropylene. Axial fans can have an efficiency of up to 88% and are ideal for industrial, mining and HVAC applications.

Available styles include direct drive – where the impeller is mounted directly on the driveshaft; belt drive – where the driver is mounted on the outside of the fan casing; bifurcated – where the motor is enclosed in a tunnel inside the fan housing; roof mounted – fitted with a rain cowl and weather flaps; plate mounted – for simplified installation; flue fans – for operating temperatures up to 500°C; auxiliary mine ventilation fans with pressures to 12,000Pa.
