What is an industrial fan’s life span?

What is an industrial fan’s life span?

Industrial fans can be a large capital investment for organisations, so it is understandable to consider how long your fan will be operational for. The short answer is, a good quality industrial fan with the right servicing and maintenance will last a long time!

In sourcing the right fan for an application, consideration should be given to more than just price. There are many ways for an industrial fan to be designed, and countless ways for costs to be cut, including using inferior materials. At AirEng, we not only design air-moving solutions, we design and manufacture them out of the best quality materials so our clients can be proud of, and reliant on, their industrial fan for many years to come.

Industrial fans are often forgotten about once they are installed and operational. They’re doing their job, and well, so little notice is taken. However, like any mechanical equipment, it is important to schedule regular servicing and maintenance. This is the only way to ensure longevity, and reduce downtime, of the fan.

A good quality fan, with a regular servicing and maintenance schedule, can remain operational for up to fifty years!
