When working with clients to select the best air-movement solution for their application, AirEng will require specific details to ensure the selected industrial fan will operate effectively and efficiently.
Industrial Fan Maintenance
The ongoing care and maintenance of your industrial fan is vital to ensure optimal fan performance, and longevity of your business’ investment.
Air Movement in the Fertiliser Industry
Multiple design engineering challenges within the Fertiliser Industry include energy efficiency, regulatory pressure and safety in tension with quality, efficient throughput and, ultimately, profitability. An ever growing, constantly evolving choice of air movement solutions is essential in order to meet those challenges and enable the innovation from which they spring.
Axial Fans for Industrial Applications
An Axial fan is typically mounted to a wall or duct to exhaust air from a system or process and is typically used in handling critical processes that require drying, ventilation, fume and hot air exhaust. But how exactly do they work?
Go with the air flow
Steve Black of the New York Blower Company, recently penned an article in the Global Mining Review explaining how a reliable ventilation system can benefit the efficiency, economics and safety of an underground mine.
How does a Centrifugal fan work?
A Centrifugal fan has a variety of different applications, but how exactly does it work?
Adding value to ventilation
As part of a recent article in the Global Mining Review, AirEng’s Neil Gordon shares the benefits of remote condition monitoring and predictive maintenance for mine ventilation equipment.
Can you refurbish an industrial fan?
An industrial fan is a substantial capital investment for a business, so you may be wondering if you are able to refurbish your existing fan to increase the life of the asset.
What is a fan vibration analysis and why should it be conducted?
A fan vibration analysis is useful in identifying imbalances in your industrial fan, but what is it, and why should you be concerned about fan imbalances?
Is an Axial fan better than a Centrifugal fan?
We hear a lot about the different types of industrial fans, but which is better, an Axial fan or a Centrifugal fan?