AirEng provide customised and innovative air-movement solutions tailored to the demanding specifics of your one-of-a-kind application.

These pages provide examples of the variety of applications AirEng can design and engineer industrial fans for, using leading edge technology, practical design, robust construction, cost effectiveness and rapid supply.
- Aeration
- Air Slides
- Blow-Off
- Combustion Air
- Containment
- Cooling Towers
- Dilution Air
- Dryers
- Dust Control
- Fluidised Systems
- Forced Draft
- Fume Control
- Fume Exhausting
- General Ventilation
- Grain Drying
- Incineration
- Induced Draft
- Industrial Furnaces
- Lab Hood Exhaust
- Material Handling
- Mine & Tunnel Ventilation
- Odour Control
- Oil Mist
- Oven Exhaust
- Oven Recirculation
- Oxidisers
- Pickling
- Pneumatic Conveying
- Pollution Control
- Pressurising
- Process Control
- Process Cooling
- Process Heating
- Refrigeration
- Scrubber
- Selective Catalytic Reduction
- Sewers & Water Tunnels
- Spark Resistant Construction
- Spray Booth Exhaust
- Tempering
- Vacuum Systems
- Wind Tunnels
- Aeration
- Air Slides
- Blow-Off
- Combustion Air
- Containment
- Cooling Towers
- Dilution Air
- Dryers
- Dust Control
- Fluidised Systems
- Forced Draft
- Fume Control
- Fume Exhausting
- General Ventilation
- Grain Drying
- Incineration
- Induced Draft
- Industrial Furnaces
- Lab Hood Exhaust
- Material Handling
- Mine & Tunnel Ventilation
- Odour Control
- Oil Mist
- Oven Exhaust
- Oven Recirculation
- Oxidisers
- Pickling
- Pneumatic Conveying
- Pollution Control
- Pressurising
- Process Control
- Process Cooling
- Process Heating
- Refrigeration
- Scrubber
- Selective Catalytic Reduction
- Sewers & Water Tunnels
- Spark Resistant Construction
- Spray Booth Exhaust
- Tempering
- Vacuum Systems
- Wind Tunnels
AirEng provide customised and innovative air-movement industry solutions tailored to the demanding specifics of your one-of-a-kind application.
Select an Application Type from the Drop Menu Below to View our Wide Range of Industrial Fan Offerings
These pages provide examples of the variety or applications AirEng can design and engineer industrial fans for, using leading edge technology, practical design, robust construction, cost effectiveness and rapid supply.
- Aeration
- Air Slides
- Blow-Off
- Combustion Air
- Containment
- Cooling Towers
- Dilution Air
- Dryers
- Dust Control
- Fluidised Systems
- Forced Draft
- Fume Control
- Fume Exhausting
- General Ventilation
- Grain Drying
- Incineration
- Induced Draft
- Industrial Furnaces
- Lab Hood Exhaust
- Material Handling
- Mine & Tunnel Ventilation
- Odour Control
- Oil Mist
- Oven Exhaust
- Oven Recirculation
- Oxidisers
- Pickling
- Pneumatic Conveying
- Pollution Control
- Pressurising
- Process Control
- Process Cooling
- Process Heating
- Refrigeration
- Scrubber
- Selective Catalytic Reduction
- Sewers & Water Tunnels
- Spark Resistant Construction
- Spray Booth Exhaust
- Tempering
- Vacuum Systems
- Wind Tunnels