The East Kundana Joint Venture (Northern Star Resources 51%, Rand and Tribune 49%) is an operational underground gold mining project located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, 25 kilometres northwest of Kalgoorlie.
EKJV comprises three producing underground deposits, Raleigh, Rubicon and Hornet which are located on strike along K2 mineralised trend.
The Brief
As part of an underground booster circuit application, Northern Star Resources approached AirEng to supply a high volume/low pressure propeller style fan to meet their duty requirements of 120m³/s at 200pa and a nominal diameter of up to 4000mm. As part of the brief, Northern Star Resources were looking for efficiencies in terms of performance, and capital expenditure.
The Solution
AirEng worked with Northern Star Resources to identify the most efficient air-moving solution within their parameters and budget. An ideal fan curve was agreed upon at to meet the required duty requirements and a belt drive was selected to provide a cost-effective way to change fan speed.
The fan was manufactured and shipped to the site, with installation arranged by Northern Star Resources.