Boilers are used in thermal power plants to help facilitate the removal or dispersion of fumes resulting from combustion. Forced Draft (FD) fans help to move outside air into the system, whereas Induced Draft (ID) fans remove air within the system to the outside atmosphere. Both FD and ID fans are used to help the flow of air and gases through the furnace of a boiler system.
The biggest advantage using FD fans comes from them supplying more air to the boilers, which increases the heat transfer rate, thereby reducing the size of the boiler resulting in space and energy savings. Due to the corrosive environment, ID fans typically will need to be built to withstand the corrosive and erosive environments.
AirEng is able to engineer individual, customised air-movement solutions for any Boiler application. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features:
Peak reliability
Bearing designed to avoid excessive vibration issues
Temperatures ranging from ambient to over 900⁰C
Minimal leakage shaft seal
Retrofits – fans redesigned to improve mechanical reliability
Available Materials of Construction:
SST Alloys
Mild Steel
Abrasion Resistant Alloys
Forced Draft
Induced Draft
Process Heating
Pollution Control
Gas Fired Power Plants
Ammonia Injection Skids
Coal-fired Power Plants
Natural Gas
Biomass/Biological Fuels
Petrochemical Processing
Lime Kilns
Internal Combustion Engines
Gas Turbines
Selective Catalytic Reduction