Cement and Lime
With either wet or dry feedstocks, these industries are large users of centrifugal cement or lime and concrete axial fans. From the large combustion air and kiln fans to the smallest air slide blowers; AirEng offers a complete package. Clinker cooler and pneumatic conveying fans are extra heavy-duty abrasion-resistant fans which require extra attention to bearing life calculations. Speed controls are recommended where possible. Conventional fan dampers are available with abrasion-resistant features for these applications. Various dust collector designs are used with either clean-air or material-handling fans.
AirEng is able to engineer individual, customised air-movement solutions for any application in the Cement and Lime industry. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features:
High Efficiency Backward Curved Wheel Design
Fan Designs up to 1000⁰C
Piezometer Ring Flow Monitoring Devises
Heavy Duty Construction
Available Materials of Construction:
Mild Steel
High Strength Steel Alloys
Stainless Steel
Abrasion Resistant Alloys
Refractory Linings
Fan Designs:
Raw Mill Fans
Coal Mill Fans
Kiln Exhaust Fans
Clinker Cooler Fans
Preheater Exhaust Fans
ID Fans
Induced Draft