Coal Mining
Both deep shaft and surface mining operations use a variety of AirEng industrial fans. Non-sparking below-ground applications use both axial and centrifugal designs for ventilation and safety exhaust-and-supply systems. Processing and crushing of coal often takes place at the power plant or mill where the coal will be used as fuel. Primary air fans deliver pulverised coal from crushing mills to burners. These are high-pressure, high-efficiency fans that both convey the coal and provide combustion air for the boiler. Fans used in conveying and dust collection systems for coal operations should be both spark-proof and abrasion-resistant.
AirEng is able to engineer individual, customised air-movement solutions for any application in the Coal Mining industry. AirEng can provide fans and equipment for greenfield projects or brownfield upgrades. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features:
Abrasion Resistant Construction
Mines Department
Spark Resistant Construction
Available Materials of Construction:
Mild Steel
Stainless Steel Alloys
Abrasion Resistant Alloys
Primary Ventilation
Secondary Ventilation
Dust Control
Pollution Control
Forced Draft