Marine systems require rugged-duty fans for the proper ventilation of spaces below a ship’s decks. Ship combustion blowers for boilers also require a source of fresh air. Passenger vessels and offshore platforms require higher rates of ventilation for personnel and safety reasons. Direct-drive marine axial fans are usually favoured in these applications due to space-saving features. Special marine-duty electrical connections and IEEE45 motors are required. Military requirements add additional features to these unique fans.
AirEng is able to engineer individual, customised air-movement solutions for any application in the Marine industry. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features:
Directed Drive
Available Materials of Construction:
Coated Carbon Steel